Friday 26 February 2016

How to test your lover that she/he really deserves to be your life partner

If you are a rich dude or a girl and you are lonely and you want a life partner . Okay ! you see a girl , you chat with her and blah blah as usual you get along but now the main part is does she really loves you or is she loving the things around you? How to test her ? Its simple tell her one night before the wedding night that I have lost everything, house, car , my business and now I am completely bankrupt.Jane you have a choice now will you be my life partner? Because now nothing is hidden from you everything is now in front of you. She is now going to take a deep breath and say "Yes Joey! I don't care about your money and business, I love you not your business or your big house.Now that's a true love and if something happens like this "Joey! Are you serious I mean how did this happen? Oh my God ! I mean I need a lot of time to think about it . Wooh! and then she disappears into the thin air.

check our Memes Channel on Facebook : Memes Channel and catch a few laughs :)

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Do you know I had a WordPress blog by the name of banana404

I had a blog by the name of  banana404. The date was 12 may 2014 . My blog was created I was so excited and I tried my first SEO technique  on this blog  and it turned out to be completely successful. It was so successful in these past months that  my blog was acting like a SEO hub for other blogs , I never ever even try to apply any wrong means such as black hat SEO techniques to raise the number of my blog. Always used to share other people's work and give them courtesy. Sadly on 16th Feb 2016  I typed banana404 on the Google search engine. It was a big nightmare for me the WordPress had blocked my favorite and successful blog like it was nothing for them. I ma running my online business promoter page on Facebook by the name of "MZS online business promoters ". I can't  just figure out what was my fault? That's why now I have decided that when ever I am going to create my blog I am going to create on Blogger. WordPress just disappointed me.

Monday 22 February 2016

My client took the eComerce website at a whole new level

The  date was January 14th 2016. I was having a cup of tea early in the morning . While my phone ranged as usual a client wanted to make a eCommerce website . I was like okay!  I can make it for you but you have to pay the half advance . Now the thing he said after my words " half advance " was highly immature and  moronic.He said he is going to pay me if I make a terrific mind blowing eCommerce website for him and if  he gets a client , makes a profit out of the eCommerce website , only then he is going to pay me my money for his website. I was like what the hell is wrong with me ?That I am listening to his moronic orders. I said to him Sir ! please I am not in the  mood for any type of  pranks , are you really serious that you want to make your website or not? He said you are not a professional developer because if you were you shouldn't have ask questions like that to your clients. I just hung up the phone and said goodbye because I was already involve  in lots of arguments at that day with my family members and certainly I couldn't handle this one.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Life is full of surprises

Life is full of surprises . Always when you are trying to  plan something out  . Life makes it  sure that you get stuck with something  that will  make your future more brighter as you had planned or worse. Sometimes people get stuck with lots of problems that can change your life in a jiffy,  that if you look behind the 10 years you had  passed . You will be amaze to see and question yourself " Wow! Am I was  lucky or I really worked hard for it?" Majority I have seen people working hard all their life but they don't  get the right output they deserve and sometimes one  positive idea can  change their life.