Saturday 16 April 2016

WOW! Really :) Banana rocks

Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world for good reason.
The curved yellow fruit packs a big nutritional punch, wrapped in its own convenient packaging. Some scientists believe that the banana may have even been the world's first fruit.
Dan Koeppel, author of Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World, traces the banana back to the Garden of Eden, where he believes it was the banana, not the apple, that was the "forbidden fruit" that Eve offered Adam.
Today, bananas are grown in at least 107 countries and are ranked fourth among the world's food crops in monetary value. Americans consume more bananas than apples and oranges combined.
With the world consuming so many bananas, its unsurprising that people are asking the question: are bananas good for you?. This article will take a look at the potential health benefits of bananas, such as lowering the risks of cancer andasthma, lowering blood pressure, improving heart health and promoting regularity. It also examines the possible health risks associated with them.

Possible health benefits of bananas

Listed below are the possible health benefits associated with bananas. It is important to note that more high quality studies are required before these health benefit links are proved definitive.

1) Blood pressure

Maintaining a low sodium intake is essential to lowering blood pressure, however increasing potassium intake may be just as important because of its vasodilation effects. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, fewer than 2% of US adults meet the daily 4700 mg recommendation.3
Also of note, a high potassium intake is associated with a 20% decreased risk of dying from all causes.3

2) Asthma

A study conducted by the Imperial College of London found that children who ate just one banana per day had a 34% less chance of developing asthma.

3) Cancer

Consuming bananas, oranges and orange juice in the first two years of life may reduce the risk of developing childhoodleukemia. As a good source of vitamin C, bananas can help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. High fiber intakes from fruits and vegetables like bananas are associated with a lowered risk of colorectal cancer.

4) Heart health

The fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B6 content in bananas all support heart health. An increase in potassium intake along with a decrease in sodium intake is the most important dietary change that a person can make to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease, according to Mark Houston, MD, MS, an associate clinical professor of medicine at Vanderbilt Medical School and director of the Hypertension Institute at St Thomas Hospital in Tennessee.3
In one study, those who consumed 4069 mg of potassium per day had a 49% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared with those who consumed less potassium (about 1000 mg per day).3
High potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones.3

5) Diabetes

Studies have shown that type 1 diabetics who consume high-fiber diets have lower blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetics may have improved blood sugar, lipids and insulin levels. One medium banana provides about 3 grams of fiber.
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 21-25 g/day for women and 30-38 g/day for men.

6) Treating diarrhea

Bland foods such as apple sauce and bananas are recommended for diarrhea treatment. Electrolytes like potassium are lost in large quantities during bouts of diarrhea and may make those affected feel weak. Bananas can help to promote regularity and replenish potassium stores.

7) Preserving memory and boosting mood

Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that studies suggest plays a role in preserving memory and boosting your mood.

On the next page we look at the nutritional profile of bananas, how to incorporate more bananas into your diet and the risks and precautions associated with consuming bananas.

Nutritional profile of bananas

One medium banana (about 126 grams) is considered to be one serving. One serving of banana contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrateand 1 gram of protein. Bananas are naturally free of fat, cholesterol and sodium.2
Bananas provide a variety of vitamins and minerals:
  • Vitamin B6 - .5 mg
  • Manganese - .3 mg
  • Vitamin C - 9 mg
  • Potassium - 450 mg
  • Dietary Fiber - 3g
  • Protein - 1 g
  • Magnesium - 34 mg
  • Folate - 25.0 mcg
  • Riboflavin - .1 mg
  • Niacin - .8 mg
  • Vitamin A - 81 IU
  • Iron - .3 mg
The recommended intake of potassium for adults is 4700 milligrams per day.

Incorporating more bananas into your diet

Fresh bananas are available year-round. Unlike other fruits, the ripening process of bananas does not slow down after they are picked. Bananas should be stored at room temperature. The warmer the temperature, the faster bananas will ripen. However, to slow ripening, bananas should be refrigerated. The outer peel of the banana will darken but the banana itself will stay intact longer.
To encourage faster ripening, place the banana in a brown paper bag at room temperature.1
In 2008, a popular diet fad known as the Morning Banana Diet recommended eating a banana in the morning along with water, eating a normal lunch and having dinner before 8pm.
Bananas and oatmeal
Add a sliced banana to your morning cereal or oatmeal for a more nutritious breakfast
Like apple sauce, ripe mashed bananas can be used in baked goods to replace oil or butter. Mashed bananas lend a moist, naturally sweet flavor to muffins, cookies and cakes.
Peel and freeze bananas for a great addition to any smoothie.
Add sliced banana to your morning cereal or oatmeal, or take a banana with you on your way to work or school for a healthy, portable snack.

Risks and precautions

Beta-blockers, a type of medication most commonly prescribed for heart disease, can cause potassium levels to increase in the blood. High potassium foods such as bananas should be consumed in moderation when taking beta-blockers.
Consuming too much potassium can be harmful for those whose kidneys are not fully functional. If your kidneys are unable to remove excess potassium from the blood, it could be fatal.
Dr. Peter S. Gelfand, who practices Internal Medicine in Long Beach NY, says:
"Certain medications used for heart disease and hypertension have the potential to increase potassium levels. Examples include certain Beta blockers such as Labetalol, medications that work by blocking the actions of the hormone Aldosterone such as Lisinopril and Losartan ; And certain Diuretics like Spironolactone and Eplerenone. This is a partial list only, and you should consult with your doctor if potassium levels become a concern."
Recent developments on bananas from MNT news
A study by researchers at the University of Brazil and published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reveals that a new gluten-free pasta, derived from the flour of green bananas is a healthier, delicious substitute compared to other pastas for celiac disease patients.
To the surprisingly inventive uses for banana peels - which include polishing silverware, leather shoes, and the leaves of house plants - scientists have added purification of drinking water contaminated with potentially toxic metals. Their report, which concludes that minced banana peel performs better than an array of other purification materials, appears in ACS's journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
If you've enjoyed reading this article about bananas, why not read some more from our collection on the health benefits of popular foods?

Thursday 14 April 2016

Top 10 Mysterious Animals

Whatever you thought you saw in the dead of the night might just not be a figment of your own imagination, especially if your pit bull goes missing around the same time. There have been plenty of talks about the appearance of mysterious animals dating back centuries. While there is little supportive evidence, it is also impossible to disapprove them. Curious? Below is a list of 10 most mysterious animals claimed to be seen throughout the world.

Top 10 Mysterious Animals



The Yeti is one of the most frequently sighted mysterious animals on this list. The creature is a hairy ape-man popularly referred to as Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, Yowi or Sasquatch. The creature has been sighted in mountain areas and isolated woodlands in all corners of the globe. The numerous sightings of this creature make it highly likely that it’s real. Whether it’s an unknown species of ape or ancient relatives of humans, we may never know. 
Physical Appearance
  • About 7 or 8 feet tall
  • Brown, Auburn or white hair 
  • Strong revolting odor
  • Eerie howl

Loch Monster

Man's extensive expeditions in the deep seas with high-tech equipment have allowed for many discoveries, but many lake monsters continue to elude all the time. The Loch monster is one of the most well-known mysterious animals. Also known as Nessie, Chessie, Storsie, Selma and Seljordsvatnet, most sightings have been of humps protruding from the surface of the water. While many people dismiss these sightings as being anything from logs to schools of fish, there are some occasional eye witnesses who see the whole creature. 
Physical Appearance
  • Large with long neck
  • Humped back
  • Head like a horse


El Chupacabra or “the goat sucker” is a creature whose was first seen in 1970s. However, sightings escalated in the 90s. Initial reports stated that a terrifying creature was killing livestock in Puerto Rico. Farmers claimed that the creature never tried to eat its prey, unlike other wild animals. Instead, it drained their blood through small incisions. Later, the creature was seen on numerous occasions in Mexico, Texas and some South American countries. It is claimed that one of the creatures has been caught and handed over to the US government. 
Physical Appearance
  • As big as a chimpanzee
  • Hops like a kangaroo
  • Grey skin
  • Hairy arms
  • Glowing red eyes
  • Tongue like a snake’s
  • Has sharp fangs
  • Quills along its spine
  • Some eyewitnesses claimed it had wing

Jersey Devil

This is one of the most terrifying creatures ever sighted. As the name suggests, the Jersey Devil has been sighted a number of times in New Jersey. Sightings date back to the mid - 1700s. However, like the chupacabra, sightings increased sharply in the 90s and there are over 200 sightings of the Jersey Devil for now. In fact, the descriptions of the creature are quite similar to the chupacabra’s. 
Physical Appearance
  • About 3.5 feet tall
  • Horse like face
  • Long neck
  • 2 feet long wings
  • Hooves like a horse
  • Back legs like a crane’s
  • Walks on hind legs
  • Has paws in front legs


For over a year since 1966, there was a series of weird sightings of a strange creature in West Virginia. A few eyewitnesses claimed that they had seen a winged humanoid being. It was dubbed Mothman by news reporters. Apparently, the creature had a weird effect on those who encountered it. They would start to channel prophesies from ultra-terrestrial entities, which turned out to be false in most cases. 
Physical Appearance
  • 7 feet tall
  • 10 feet wide wings
  • Gray skin with scales
  • Red glowing eyes
  • Could take off straight up in flight at speeds of 100mph
  • Eat large dogs
  • Squealed like a rat
  • Caused TV and radio interference


Very few people believe in the existence of fairies. However, there are people who swear by their existence. Fairies are, generally, tiny transient beings with wings that reside in forests. In England, a man claimed that he encountered fairies on his way home.
Physical Appearance
  • 3 feet tall
  • Small like dolls
  • Light and shadowy

Dover Demon

The Dover Demon as it is commonly referred to, was only seen by a few people and remains to be the most mysterious creature to date. This bizarre creature was only first seen on April 21, 1977 in Dover, Massachusetts by 17-year-old Bill Bartlet. On the same day, a 15 year old called John Baxter also claimed to see the creature. The next day, another 15 year old called Abby Brabham also sighted the same creature. The three gave the same description of the creature.
Physical Appearance
  • 4 feet tall
  • Hairless rough textured skin
  • Peach colored limbs that are long and spindly
  • Large melon-shaped head
  • Glowing orange eyes

Flatwoods Monster

Word has it that the Flatwoods Monster is an extraterrestrial creature as it was first spotted close to a UFO hovering above the ground. This was in 1952 in Flatwoods, Braxton County, West Virginia. 
Physical Appearance
  • 10 feet tall
  • Red glowing face
  • Green body
  • Ace of Spades shaped head
  • Human-like body
  • Clothes resembling a skirt
  • No visible arms or having short, stubby ones with claws 


The Owlman was first sighted in Manwan, Cornwall in 1976. The creature was spotted hovering eerily above the Mawnan Church tower. From here on, the creature was repeatedly seen in the same area up to the year 1978. The Owlman somewhat resembled the Mothman, and there were reports of UFO and animals behaving strangely prior to its sighting.
Physical Appearance
  • Looking like an owl
  • Size of a man
  • Red eyes
  • Black claws
  • Pointed ears
  • Large grey wings


This strangely named creature is one of the most mysterious animals sighted to date. The creature is from the Philippines where it is said to hide in the shadows at night. It supposedly sucks its victim’s blood by consuming their shadows. The Sigbin is said to walk backwards, with its head lowered between its hind legs. Scientists discovered a fox-cat-like creature whose hind legs were longer than the forelegs. They said it resembled the Sigbin, but there was no conclusive evidence. Apparently, the Sigbin is very good at covering its tracks. 
Physical Appearance
  • Looks like a goat without horns
  • Very large ears
  • Long whip-like tail
  • Has a nauseating odor
  • Crab walks backwards
Courtesy by : enkivillage

Tuesday 12 April 2016

One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread

I’m getting to know my new kitchen space.  New oven (it’s a KitchenAid… it’s amazing), new light, new muscle memory from cracked eggshell to sink, new drawers for the whisks and spatulas to live and which dang drawer is it!?  You know the drill.  Change and newness.  When I’m getting to know a new kitchen I like to make a supremely familiar recipe.  Something that I barely need a recipe to pull together.  Something that I know backwards and forwards from batter consistency to oven smell.
It’s banana bread.  It’s always banana bread.  A house isn’t a home without it. 
A few years ago I made Brown Butter Banana Bread when I first moved to the French Quarter.  The bread in various renditions has become a tradition that I’ll make long into my days in this new kitchen space.  
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
We start with neglected (and respected) bananas, a heavy skillet, and butter to brown.  
Two things you should know.  1.  This is a one-skillet recipe.  We’re going to melt and brown the butter in the skillet and whisk the rest of the ingredients in layers, all in this one dang skillet.  Stovetop to oven.  2.  A few months ago I thought someone was trying to break into my house (they weren’t), so I stood behind my front door with this skillet in my head ready to bonk an intruder in the head.  That was unnecessary, but still…. how’s that for versatility?  
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
I used Muscovado Sugar for this bread.  It’s extra dark, moist, and molasses-y.  It brings a lot of depth to the bread.  If you don’t happen to have Muscovado, dark brown sugar will also be great.  
Since we’re using a super dark brown sugar, and since I have a hunk of fresh ginger sitting in my fruit bowl staring me in the face, I thought it might be fun to play with a Dark and Stormy concept.  Excuse to unpack the dark rum?  Obviously.  
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
Browned butter meets very dark brown sugar.  
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
After the butter and sugar are whisked together, the mixture will still be greasy.  The butter won’t be completely absorbed into the sugar.  They’ll act like they don’t know how to get along until the eggs are whisked into the mixture.  Eggs will make a glossy, smooth, refined butter mixture.  
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
Since we’re going dark with the Muscovado sugar, we’ll add a little stormy with fresh ginger.  Splash of vanilla extra and a glug of dark rum.  
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
Mashed ripe bananas, fresh ginger, plus ground spices adding moisture and flavor and such good smells! 
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
At this point I’m really happy this is a one-skillet recipe and I don’t need to bother with a bowl for dry ingredients.  At this point I also whisk some of the flour out of the skillet and onto the counter.  I think that’s just part of the deal. 
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
It’s ok.  We’re still in business. 
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
Scrape the edges of the bowl down and we’re ready for the oven.  
One-Skillet Dark and Stormy Banana Bread
It’s familiar and new!  Like a new house with all my old stuff in it.  The Muscovado and ginger gives this bread a depth of sweetness and hint of spice, bending it more towards a spice cake…. in a really good way.  Glaze it or sugar the top to add some presentation flair, or impatiently cut into it because your coffee is getting cold.  
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Sunday 10 April 2016

Top 10 Safest Countries In The World To Visit Or Settle Down

As natural disasters, terrorism, robberies and massacres made our planet a hell, everyone are in the urge to settle down in one of the safest places. But unfortunately when it comes to preparing a list of top 10 safest countries in the world, it becomes extremely hard to find such countries that satisfy all the criteria an individual has in mind.
So now, how would you picture a safest country? Is that the one which has
  • Low crime rate?
  • No natural disaster?
  • Low corruption?
  • Immunity to economical crisis?
  • Or is it fast solving cases?
It is nothing wrong, if you expect all the above factors from the typical countries that are entitled as “The safest countries in the world”. While the increasing high prevalent crimes make all of us lose hope on finding such countries, strict laws, culture and few good qualities continue to make few countries as perfect places to live, raise kids and happily retire. You are right ! We have exceptions in everything. That’s the universal law.
Source : The list, top 10 safest countries to live in the world is prepared based on the recent “Global Peace Index (GIP)” report released by “The Institute for Economics and Peace“.

Top 10 Safest Countries In The World

10.Czech Republic

GPI Score: 1.341

safest countries in the world
  • This fairly new European country attracts tourists from all over the world with its magnificent city “Prague” and its breathtaking nature.
  • It mainly concentrates on creating a most favorable climate for investment. As a result, It has a built a robust economy in a relatively short span of time (1989 to 2015). In 2009, HDI declared Czech Republic as “A Country With Very High Human Development“.
  • Rate of crime is very low here. Helpline number 112 is available for people who don’t know the local language.
  • If you are a U.S resident, you wouldn’t require any VISA to enter into this country for business or tourist purposes for the first 90 days. However, having a passport that is valid for at least 90 days beyond your period of stay is mandatory.
  • Cost of living in this country is much cheaper. For example: Though Prague is located at the center of culture and all other main spots ( historical spots, palaces,museum etc.), apartments here cost much lesser than in any other European nations.
  • Transportation system of Czech Republic is so punctual and well managed. You can take a month around public transit pass with just $29 USD. It can be utilized in tram, subway and buses.
  • When it comes to entertainment, here everyone will find something according to their age, gender,and ethnic preferences. So in no way, anyone can feel bored at this country.
  • If you love outdoors, without any doubt, you will love the Czech Republic too. Situated at the border of mountains, it has so many well preserved deep forests. If it’s summer, you can go hiking or just cycle around the countryside. If it’s winter, there is downhill skiing is awaiting for you.


GPI Score: 1.329

safest countries in the world
  • Whether you want to spend your retirement days or want to bring up your children in a much peaceful and happy environment, Australia certainly be a suggestible choice.
  • People of this country are more welcoming, and they enjoy the multiculturalism. Equalitarianism, Ideal climate, and outdoor pursuits are few of the many factors that attract expats from all over the world.
  • Australians respect the value of friends and family more than anything. It provides a broad range of schooling options, and there are more chances for children to spend their time in recreational outdoors. These all factors often make it as a perfect place to raise children.
  • Australia is being the most desirable destination for young students and professionals all over the world.
  • It offers a high quality of life and excellent healthcare facilities to its all citizens through both private and public systems.
  • In short, Australia offers a fair new beginning for anyone who has skills and energy. It is one of the main reasons for why people adore Australia than any other country in the world.


GPI Score : 1.322

safest country in the world
  • The next country in our list of safest places to live in the world is Japan. The Crime rate in this country is really low.
  • Japanese respect their culture, and it is one of the main reasons as to why people honor this country. I am sure you must have heard how well disciplined Japanese are and therefore, they will never involve in activities, which brings shame to their country.
  • Possession of firearms is strictly prohibited according to their laws. Firm gun control, strict laws and wealthy economy make sure that the one living there is 100% safe.
  • According to the 2010 GPI (Global Peace Index) framed by IEP (Institute for Economics and Peace) report, Japan has also been ranked as the 3rdpeaceful country in the world.
  • With homicides, terrorism and violent crimes highly unlikely in Japan, this place becomes extremely safe for one to reside.


GPI Score: 1.287

safest country in the world
  • Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world and its 20.6% of total population is built only with foreigners. Not to mention, it is claimed to have the highest immigrants rate per capita in the world. Though this factor alone is more than enough to claim it as the safest country in the world, it has a lot more. Read on.
  • Healthcare system of Canada is one of the most debated hot topics worldwide. It offers “universal public health Insurance” to all citizens and permanent residents at much cheaper prices. By using this Medicare, one can have access to the universally high standard treatments at both private and public hospitals.
  • This system has inspired many people who suffer from chronic conditions move to this country for healthcare purposes. Anyhow, people with temporary residency can’t avail the same benefits.
  • When it comes to employment, it offers an enormous scope with many open positions in energy sectors, communications industry, real estate and financial services.
  • Though winter of Canada covers the ground with freezing cold for more than 6 months, people who settled here claim that their quality of life has been improved dramatically.
  • So, if you have the plan to visit or migrate to this country, you can expect to have a calm, peaceful and high-quality life.
  • Canada has never been a target of the terrorist activities. These all make this country be listed as one of the most livable countries in the world.


GPI Score: 1.227

safest countries in the world
  • Being one of the Nordic-style countries, Finland is mainly known for its high regard for the civil liberty, democracy, and human rights.
  • With low crime rate, nature-friendly environments, and stable economy, it never fails to rank high in all the lists that talk about the national performance metrics. (Side note: Finland is ranked as the 11th best country to live in the world in our official list).
  • Since the end of world war -II, the government of Finland has adopted the neutrality policy and so avoided the wars. Most common punishments given to the people who involve in crimes are probation, fines and community services.
  • Although people of Finland are perceived as the quiet & reserved nature people, the young Finns has changed this perception completely. Anyhow, If you move to Finland, it may take few months to       get adopted with their cultural differences.
  • In Finland, the majority of healthcare services are managed by the local municipalities itself and are offered to the general public through local healthcare centers.
  • The literacy rate in Finland is 100%. It is achieved by providing the compulsory education to all its citizens and expats who have got residency in Finland. Almost all major cities in Finland have excellent quality local and international schools.
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