Monday 22 February 2016

My client took the eComerce website at a whole new level

The  date was January 14th 2016. I was having a cup of tea early in the morning . While my phone ranged as usual a client wanted to make a eCommerce website . I was like okay!  I can make it for you but you have to pay the half advance . Now the thing he said after my words " half advance " was highly immature and  moronic.He said he is going to pay me if I make a terrific mind blowing eCommerce website for him and if  he gets a client , makes a profit out of the eCommerce website , only then he is going to pay me my money for his website. I was like what the hell is wrong with me ?That I am listening to his moronic orders. I said to him Sir ! please I am not in the  mood for any type of  pranks , are you really serious that you want to make your website or not? He said you are not a professional developer because if you were you shouldn't have ask questions like that to your clients. I just hung up the phone and said goodbye because I was already involve  in lots of arguments at that day with my family members and certainly I couldn't handle this one.

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