Wednesday 24 February 2016

Do you know I had a WordPress blog by the name of banana404

I had a blog by the name of  banana404. The date was 12 may 2014 . My blog was created I was so excited and I tried my first SEO technique  on this blog  and it turned out to be completely successful. It was so successful in these past months that  my blog was acting like a SEO hub for other blogs , I never ever even try to apply any wrong means such as black hat SEO techniques to raise the number of my blog. Always used to share other people's work and give them courtesy. Sadly on 16th Feb 2016  I typed banana404 on the Google search engine. It was a big nightmare for me the WordPress had blocked my favorite and successful blog like it was nothing for them. I ma running my online business promoter page on Facebook by the name of "MZS online business promoters ". I can't  just figure out what was my fault? That's why now I have decided that when ever I am going to create my blog I am going to create on Blogger. WordPress just disappointed me.

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