Wednesday 9 March 2016

Islam is a peaceful religion just that every individual nowadays is using it for its own purpose

Islam is the most peaceful , disciplined and a balance religion of all times. Just that  majority have misused it for  there own satisfaction. Just because of this  act of satisfaction there has been two groups of extremists one the western extremists and the two Islamic extremists. Where else the real Islam is between these two.It all started from Mulla attitude where women were beaten and stoned , where else there is nothing about this savage rules in Islam. In Islam a women is like a flower that should be given water(Love) daily. But because of these Islamic extremists , the rise of the feminist started which was created to support the cause of harassment against women. Then the creation of western extremists started because if these legitimate rules added into Islam. The whole chaos and complex situation started and now everyone are lost  and they can't find the real Islam in it. In Islam everything has been showed as a most positive side, no hatred.

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