Monday 7 March 2016

Difference between Atheist and People with religion ? What are religious fanatics?

Atheist people believe that their is no God and there are no such things as soul .Life was made by a chance through a big bang theory. A human body is just like a  well- programmed  bot once eliminated will be permanent finished. There is no such thing as afterlife.

People with Religion  belief that their is God and there are souls . This world was not the result of a big bang theory , everything had a reason to be made . Life was just not created by a chance it was well planned by God. There is an afterlife and souls will be rewarded with paradise if they  were good in their life and if they are bad with sins they will be burn into the fire of Hell.

Now everyone knows these common  differences between people with religion and an atheist. But what if there are religious  fanatics? What are religious fanatics? Religious fanatics are a staunch belief in things that they are made to belief in they are basically misguided  people. Just like well programmed robots who are trained to kill people  if they don't  belief in things that they do.The Question is who does there programming? All is know the above differences between the Atheist and People with religion that they are the result of the mixture. Religion was created for  peace not war.  You can't blame religion all the time. let's see I have a stable internet connection , I got a social network  but what if  I start to harass girls on social networks or what if  I do something positive with it like starting my online business campaign. You see the social  network(Religion) is not a bad person but the person handling it , he might be. Religious fanatics are just human bots. Who are trained to do what they are told and nothing else. They don't have emotions.

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