Thursday 17 March 2016

How to control your anger

Controlling your anger is not a easy task specially if you are surrounded by  bonehead  people , who always like to talk trash no matter what happens , some want to  pick a fight every time just to make sure to themselves that they are strong to fit in the world of violence. A car just wrecked your car from behind and its all his fault but what do you know he is all going to take it on you and make you belief that this is all your fault why did  you select the emergency break? Why didn't you ran your car on that individual or a group that cross the road purposely or  like a morons. Anger is just like a tool you should used it when its really really necessary for example people like the above I stated who don't accept their faults. Using your anger to scare people, just to satisfied yourself that you are a bad ass but in reality you are  a jackass. You should control your anger and used it smartly because you don't know the anger on the person that you are going to released can be a bigger bad ass than you are.

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