Sunday 28 February 2016

How to spot perverts !

Perverts are just like us the thing that makes them different from us is that  there hormones are abnormal in a way that they want a temporary satisfaction every minute just like vampires need to suck blood. Vampires need to hunt humans every day to fulfill their desired capacity. Perverts however don't suck blood but instead they are highly attractive to the opposite sex  at a level where there should be a limit but they are limitless and that's the thing that makes them dangerous and different from normal people. Now how can we spot these perverts in different aspects and places of our life?  If you are talking to one you will notice there eyes which is completely not normal people see and talk.I know you will find this post strange about the eye thing but trust me you will have this inner feeling that this guy should be avoided.Sometimes you don't meet them physically , you meet them virtually like on Internet chat box . Over there its very easy to spot them , there conversation will always be about sex related things no matter you guys are talking on a different topic but this pervert will drag you back to the sex related topics every time you chat with him.The most easiest way to avoid them is ignoring them no matter you meet them virtually or physically. They truly feel it inside when you are ignoring  them because then they know you have spotted them and the best thing for them is to ignore you too.

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